The Sagrada Maria, Cannabis Social Club Badalona

By |2018-12-21T11:34:10+00:00November 5th, 2018|Activities, Cannabis Club, Cities, Countries, Destinations, Guide, Lifestyle, News, Reviews, Sin categoría, Travel|

The Sagrada Maria CSC—Badalona, Badalona is a realtively quiet residential, suburb of Barcleona, its on the metro line L2 and is quite accessible for Barcelona. [...]

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Legalization brings opportunities for the Cannabic Market in United Kingdom

By |2018-09-15T09:22:06+00:00September 4th, 2018|Countries, Health, Legislation, Lifestyle, News|

The United Kingdom is positioned as a promising market after the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes was announced. Hence there are many otential opportunities [...]

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In Mexico, smoking marijuana has become a “human right”

By |2018-08-13T19:43:36+00:00September 11th, 2017|Cannabis Club, Countries, Cultivation, Legislation, Lifestyle, News, World News|

Mexico's Supreme Court voted 4 to 1 in a ruling that "leaving the marijuana possession and consumption outside the law represents a violation of fundamental [...]

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